A real good sleep was needed after a grueling week and a hearty breakfast always follows to start a good weekend. Today was no different. So when we got to the coffee shop which happens to be a different one from where we would normally hang out, we ordered our favourite Kuching kolo mee. We just so happened to chance upon the dish there.
As we were having our meal, my husband got a shock when he saw this little boy, not that little but still in primary school, probably either in the age range of 8-9 years of age, running through the coffee shop in his underwear. Of course he was wearing a t-shirt, not half naked. The best part was, he was rushing out of the coffee shop to piss right in front of the entrance of the coffee shop, where tables and chairs were place and there were customers sitting right there. In BROAD DAYLIGHT!!! Now can you beat that? To makes things better, his mother was just at the stall nearby packing food and when she saw him doing that, she did not reprimand him, nor apologise for his behaviour but instead took out a tissue from her purse and helped him "dry up"!!!
I did not know that civilization in Kuala Lumpur was not up to par with the other cities around the world. The scenario seems more to suit a war torn country, where the children run around in probably without shoes or even shirts but not in metropolitan KL.
Sorry no pictures taken. I was too shock to do anything other than I almost puke into my bowl of noodles when I saw it happening in front of my eyes.
So, tell me, what would you do if you were there?? Just watch in shock like me or otherwise?
what can u do? nothing can be done... unless u wanna offend someone. the mentality of everyone has to change...
anyway... this is what they call by... starting them young...
Yes. Starting them young by pissing in public. Hahhahahaah!!!!!!! =P
Well, here in Seattle, we stumbled upon a man walking along the street with his penis sticking out of his pants. No one seems to really care. It's not a normal sight but sometimes you just have to shake your head. The world is gong backward unfortunately.
well, we are still a developing nation. i prefer to call it a 3rd world nation but apparently it is inappropriate eventhough the connotation of 3rd world nation derives from the fact we are non-aligned to either capitalist america or communist USSR...
myop101: Yea. 3rd world indeed when there are still people like this around.
aiyoyo..i will not smack the boy..but scold the mom!
cannot blame the boy lo. the mum so kurang ajar.
but maybe cannot blame the mum also, maybe until now, she oso do like that? :p "pissing" in the public.
"Humprey": Is the guy mad or is he just another flasher??
"myop101: Yes. Smack the mum instead. Hahahha!!! I don't think it would make any difference in what you say to her since she's already encouraging it.
"alvin lim": Hahahha!!! Who knows. She maybe those who rather piss at the roadside of the highway then go to the rest area.
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