Monday, June 30, 2008

Malaysia's customer service

As Joelle was sitting down, looking at the menu, she was still contemplating whether to order the famous Hainanese chicken chop or the mee siam which looks equally delicious on the menu. But an after thought went through her mind, she then decided to pick the Hainanese chicken chop and their famous toast bun.

She looked at her watch and it showed 8.21pm. Hoping that time would go slower so that the food will arrive and she'll be able to enjoy it before moving on to her favourite outlet, Ikea. As the seconds hand of the clock slowly ticks by, it now showed 8.40pm and her food has yet to arrive.

Surprisingly though, the next two tables that were previously unoccupied now had other customers and to her dismay, their food seems to appear before them instead of hers. Now fuming away, she decides to eye the waiter that took her order, but he was adamant not to look at her eyes. The cloud of "fire" around her head, looks as if it's about to burst into flames, she called out to the outlet manager demanding for her food. As the other customers who came after her were happily gobbling away their food, Joelle practically had steam coming out of ears as she was trying to keep her composure cool while questioning where did her food go as she was the first to arrive.

After profuse apologising by the outlet manager, her food promptly arrive in less than 3 minutes. Now this is what's call efficient service, thinks Joelle. But before tucking into the plate of chicken chop, she made sure there was no "extra" ingredients added. Knowing how cruel the F&B industry can be even with prompt service after a little seething is done by the customer, a thorough check wouldn't hurt she thought. F&B's unspoken rule of revenge is either to spit in the "fussy customer's" food or to actually maybe toss it on the floor before rearranging it in a nice presentation for the customer.

I sometimes experience the same situation. Sometimes my temper gets the better of me and I tend to last out unmercifully at the waiters or most of the time the outlet managers for such poor service. Food delay can be expected but to the extent that they completely decided to ignore your order while someone who came much later gets their food, this is a total no-no. Malaysian F&B etiquette still need vast improvements.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Little bit of life

For the past few weeks I've been getting daily emails pertaining Petronas, be it an email complimenting their good effort and trying to put a good word for Petronas or even an email that totally gives no crap to Petronas.

I've been getting tired and bored with all these emails. It's always the same. Fighting against or for Petronas. What's the whole point? After all it belongs to the government and I find that it does not make any difference if we were all to forward emails to boycott and not pump Petronas petrol. Does this mean that everyone will actually follow and that the government will decide to lower down the petrol prices? Come on. Grow up. The fact is, nothing can be done with this country's government. Time to give up on them. I've given up on them already.

I mean, how much can we fight them? But I won't join them either. I'll just get on with my life as long as they don't disrupt mine bad enough for me to want to leave this country. I might as well use the energy and time to do something more useful either for the environment or spend time with my family, rather than waste it fighting the government, Petronas or to have anything to do with them.

Enjoy life. Happiness only comes when you make time to enjoy life. Stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy the company of family and friends. Easier said than done? Maybe ,but I guess a small step at one time helps to take other grievances away.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A little incident

After my fall on Monday, my little puppy Duchess decided that she'll get her bum to be seen by a vet, hypothetically that is.

She made up her mind to give her tail a little nibble on Thursday night after her required jab on Wednesday. What came from the nibble was a patch of fur gone from her tail and a red and swollen tip. It actually looks like there was some sort of growth but thank God it wasn't.

Made a frantic call to our friend who is a vet and he asks us to apply calamine lotion, which will help soothe the itch. It did stop the redness but the swelling was still there and we couldn't really apply the lotion properly the next day as the fur was clumped up.

Decided to bring her to the grooming school that I'm now training at to get my teacher to help trim the fur on her tail. No tools yet since I'm still on a theory based learning stage at the moment. She did a great job of it. But embarrassing part of it was, she decided to cham cha and give a little extra "something" to my teacher for helping her trim her tail and also a dose of antiseptic spray on the tail. Which basically means that pee and poop on the grooming table. Probably thinks that, "Fine. Make me suffer I'll give you more work to do". She's a fiesty and dominant little puppy. Translated into "spoilt puppy" my teacher said. Hahaha! We had to get the e-collar for her so that she doesn't turn around and bite her tail and aggravate it further. She practically hates the collar. When she came back, she gave us this mournful look.

Well, time to MAKE time to train her better. She's much better today like her mistress. Getting used to the e-collar and being her usual naughty self again. Hopefully there won't be anymore incidences like this.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Big bruise

A bruise is "an injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on the body, caused by a blow rupturing underlying blood vessels." Quoted from

Don't think that it is something that actually came through my mind when I got this big bruise from falling down the stairs.

Was going down the stairs on Monday morning but fate decided I was to slip and fall down the last two steps of the stairs. Cruel thing was I wasn't sure whether I was pregnant or not but what choice did I have. The edge of the stairs hit my hip and I'm still praying hard that there's no hairline crack even after being given confirmation of a clean bill of health other than major muscle injury by the A&E doctor as well as the radiologist based on the X-Ray.

So, have spent the last 2 days including today in bed, trying my best not to walk around much other than going to the toilet as per doctor's instruction. I think lying in bed has caused my other side of my back to ache as well. Shows that I'm no longer as young as I thought I am. Without much sleep at night due to trying to find the most comfortable position, I'm getting grumpier by the minute. To think that I'm going back to work tomorrow, doesn't look that good. Seeing that I can't sit for long.

Hoping that God actually gives me some rest tonite.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Petronas to go bust by 2018??

Now this is a very interesting topic that caught my attention when I read The Star online.

I’m not sure whether should I find this a topic a laugh or should I be embarrassed. But feeling both can be ironic. I feel that, with this news splashed over the papers, can make the whole country a laughing stock. Imagine that a huge multi-national company dealing in oil can actually go bust or is predicted to go bust. What more when the government has some sort of share in it? Does this mean that the government has been ignoring the company? Or does it mean that, they have been managing it poorly? Wouldn’t it be their responsibility to make sure that they hire the appropriate person with the capability to run the organization as it should be?

In the news, it is said that the CEO, Tan Sri Hassan Marican warned that many national petroleum companies in the world have ceased to exist or were in financial trouble today because all their profits were taken away from them. So far, there have been a couple of companies like BP merging to become BHP or Mobil with Esso to become ExxonMobil. But is there any other oil company in the world willing to take the big risk of doing mergers with Petronas? I for one wouldn’t. Imagine having to merge and paying the blardy government billions and billions in taxes. What is to be seen in the future for Petronas, will definitely be a huge impact towards the citizen of Malaysia.

Is that why the citizens of this country has been made to suffer just because of their incompetence? Makes me totally want to puke with all these “pitiful” stories to get people’s sympathy. Aww!! You poor poor company. Paying so much taxes till you’re almost going bust. Do you need any help? Need us to pay more taxes to subsidize your holidays overseas?! Dream on!

Up Up and Away

Up Up and Away can be related to smoke or to the recent price hike of petrol which also means that our money in our purses and wallets are definitely going up in smoke. So up up and away it goes.

I've yet to find the energy or that so-called "passion" to be totally infuriated with the government as I used to be when they initially kept increasing petrol price. But after this round, I think I have gotten immune to it. I don't get angry with the CCB (don't ask me what that stands for cos it's illegal to post it here) government but more of get really disappointed with them. Gone were the days that I'll rant, object, whine about this whole price hike. I'm just praying hard to God that, even with the increase of price from A-Z due to the petrol hike, I'm only asking for not an increase of crimes. As I foresee that will bound to happen when people get desperate.

After experiencing the massive jam and even not being able to get my turn at the petrol pump, I'm beginning to think like Zewt, that the grass will be much greener on the other side. Getting the drift here??

Which basically means that my current project that I'm actually thinking of starting might not kick off after all. Have to discuss in more detail with hubby on this.

So what's your take on this?

P.S (Pix taken from Yahoo Image)