Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Big bruise

A bruise is "an injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on the body, caused by a blow rupturing underlying blood vessels." Quoted from

Don't think that it is something that actually came through my mind when I got this big bruise from falling down the stairs.

Was going down the stairs on Monday morning but fate decided I was to slip and fall down the last two steps of the stairs. Cruel thing was I wasn't sure whether I was pregnant or not but what choice did I have. The edge of the stairs hit my hip and I'm still praying hard that there's no hairline crack even after being given confirmation of a clean bill of health other than major muscle injury by the A&E doctor as well as the radiologist based on the X-Ray.

So, have spent the last 2 days including today in bed, trying my best not to walk around much other than going to the toilet as per doctor's instruction. I think lying in bed has caused my other side of my back to ache as well. Shows that I'm no longer as young as I thought I am. Without much sleep at night due to trying to find the most comfortable position, I'm getting grumpier by the minute. To think that I'm going back to work tomorrow, doesn't look that good. Seeing that I can't sit for long.

Hoping that God actually gives me some rest tonite.


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

hope all is well..ouch, must be sleepless nights for u..

Seaqueen said...

Well, last nite wasn't too bad. Managed to have couple of dreams each time I turned trying to find a comfortable spot. Heheheh!!!

myop101 said...

Will be keeping you in prayers. Hope you will recover soon.

Seaqueen said...

myop101: Oh. Thank you. Anyway, much better now. No more limping. ;)