I'm starting to question, whether I'm up to this, but I've made a pact with myself, I have to push myself to this extent in order to reap the rewards later on. What kind of rewards?? That is for another entry much later when it has materialized.
I have to keep telling myself that I can do this. It's only for a few months. After this project ends, I'm done. I can go on with my life at a more leisurely pace, albeit missing a big chunk of financial independence of course but in compensation to that, there will be the splendor of doing something I have passion in. ;)
So, I'm depending solely on the Almighty God to help me get through these few months, and give me the strength I need to do it.
read 1 cor 10:13... He will provide a way out.
Oh. Thank you thank you. Thanks for the verse. :)
well sometimes u got to do, wat u got to do..just remember to reward urself along the way when u pass some milestones..makes life easier this way..
Yes boss. I understand.
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