Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life's blow and having hope

Have you ever been in the situation that makes you want to go around in circles screaming your head off. Ok. Probably it's a tad bit dramatic. But the bit about going around in circles does happen, especially when you're totally at lost in what you want in life. This feeling totally sucks.

When you're reached a certain barrier in life, it makes you stop and wonder, what am I in this world for? What do I want in life? I've reached that point in life and I'm still trying to find those answers. Asking, praying to God has not reaped answers yet. Maybe I'm not having enough faith in Him, maybe I've been not putting God first in my life above everything else.

You try out different jobs, from all those wonderful jobs that are supposedly to give you the best salary in the industry, with perks that most people would die for to end up being a consultant and still you can't find happiness in your work. Why is that? When you've worked 6 years after finishing college, trying to find satisfaction from your work, you finally realised that there is no way in life that you'll actually get the job of your dreams and you can definitely forget about getting satisfaction from work. Sounds sad.

I can't let this ruin my life, I mean sitting here, moaning about it, throwing tantarums. Just gotta find something that works, something that brings in the dough as well. Best thing of all, not giving up. I hope this works. I mean what's life without hope right? Keeping fingers crossed and praying hard.


zewt said...

maybe should just bite the bullet and stay in one place?

Seaqueen said...

Yea. It's a great idea. :)

myop101 said...

try not to think too much...

this is what i am subscribing to myself for the time being...haha... hopes it works since i am on daily dosage...