Firstly, I applaud and salute the MPSJ for doing this. They are the first council in Malaysia that I hear actually show a positive attitude towards strays. And furthermore, the MPSJ president is Datuk Adnan Md Ikhsan. In the section, quoted from the Star, "According to MPSJ president Datuk Adnan Md Ikhsan, stray dogs rounded up by the council would first be put up for adoption before they are put down. He added that the MPSJ did not want euthanasia to be the only option in countering the problem. "We would prefer that the dogs are given second chance by those willing to take them into their homes as pets or as guard dogs for their farms, " said Adnan. Bravo!! I really respect him for doing this. He is the first council head and a Malay as well who actually don't want to see dogs being put to death for no reason. At least he's giving them a second chance unlike other councils, all they know is to kill that's all.
I know that all the pet shops nowadays offer beautiful dogs and cats for sale. Those are breeder dogs, and boy do they cost a lot. So, it is a wise decision for Datuk Adnan to let the dogs be adopted. They make better pets even compared to some expensive breed. Anyway, hasn't there been many medical articles talking about how keeping a pet actually reduces the chances of a person getting a heart attack?
Again, I salute and pay my highest respect to the MPSJ for being the first to initiate this adoption campaign. Good job!
yea poor dogs...some are driven out by irresponsible owners. not their fault at all. sighs. anyway, this mpsj is doing good stuff....not like the taiping one...shoot dogs until din notice got motorcyclist. tertembak the motorcyclist somemore. =_=
good news for all stray dogs (except for those Lassie wannabes) indeed...:)
they shud also charge a nominal fee like rm10 per dog..that way can raise money..then every council will follow suit..bcoz they are $$ eyed..
Alvin Lim: Yes I'm really thankful for them as well. :) The poor soul that got shot really terrible.
myop101: Lassie wannabes?? explain please...
"Joe" who is constantly craving: Yea. Its a good plan. I mean RM10 people will still be willing to pay. I would for one.
ahh... something good eh?
Finally there's a council that talks like human.. unlike the previous incident where people will get money when they hand in the dogs to council and shoot them to death.. those people are one hell of a demon.. hehe...
Zewt: Of course it is something good.
Mcmercedez: Yea lor. Worse than demon lar.
sorry...didn't reply to you earlier...very busy with the preparation...
hehe... well, i think it is best if you refer to my political entries... there you will find out more about Lassie wannabes...:)
myop101: Heheh! Ok. Well, good luck. :)
Lassie wannabes eh? Ok ok. No problem.
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