Monday, August 13, 2007

Life's too short for the wrong job

This was the title of the email in my mail box when I opened it this morning. What a motivation for an early, dreary Monday morning. It really did catch me at that particular moment when I received another email talking about how good my life is compared with all these sorrowful pictures of people suffering, not in terms of where they don’t have arms or legs but more of the condition of their livelihood. I’ll let the pictures speak for itself today.

After seeing these pictures, do I feel that I'm really blessed.

“Many of us persist in believing that happiness will be just over the next hill. But happiness is not a destination; it is a journey. Don’t brood over what would make you happy tomorrow. Instead be grateful for today” quoted by Janet Congo.


Weig said...

Maybe the old lady is happy. She's actually smiling, don't you see? But happiness is relative to whether you're comparing yourself to another who you view as being more "fortunate" or having a "better" job. If you don't compare, living to a ripe old age, breathing fresh air and being fit enough to carry fire-wood home can be happiness.

Anonymous said...

Can't argue with you there cirnelle...

zewt said...

wahhh... so profound... no matter what... you still hate your job right?

oh... cant compare with cirnelle... she is in a special situation.

Seaqueen said...

Cirnelle: Very true and well spoken. It depends on how see perceive things.

Zewt: Yes I do admit I hate my job but I'm still thankful I have one. What situation are you talking about?

The Malaysian Life said...

I'd rather be at the bottom of the ladder I want to climb, rather than at the middle of one that I dont.