I was corresponding with a friend from work through email. (no, it doesn’t mean I don’t need to work and no it does not mean I’m using company resources). It just so happen she was asking me about my opinion in buying a certain property. She also mentioned something about credit cards. And the topic came to a point where we were debating whether to apply for company credit card or not. (yes we both work for “legal money lenders”) But do we really need it? I mean yea, sure it is free, and we won’t need to pay for the annual fee as long as we’re employees of the company. Other than that, what else? Oh yea, forgot to mentioned that it is a gold credit card. What’s the big deal? What more nowadays with platinum or even titanium cards out in the market? It’s all just another scheme to make you spend more. So, the big question is would you grab that card if it’s given to you free?
There have been companies out there who “force” coerces their employees to apply for the credit card. Reasoning being that, it would do the company good by portraying a better image. But what if the employees do not want the card? They don’t find the need for an extra card (cos the benefit sucks). Well, of course there will be a way around that. How, you ask? “Employees are only allowed to use company credit card for company expenses. Any other credit card used for company expenses will not be acknowledged as an official claim” How does that sound to you?
Just apply. Since it’s free and no harm done you say? Alright! Alright! What happens then if you go outstation for a company trip and that one company credit card decides to fail on you? Does this mean you can’t claim for the expenses because you don’t use the card? Anything is possible eh? It’s the voters say on this. We’ll see what happens in a few months.
i have been claiming my gym expenses using another card... they didnt say anything leh.
look, just use cash and pay then if you hate your company a lot.
Zewt: I think it's more for claims on official businesses. I'm not too sure about gym memberships.
Anonymous: I'm not worried. Just think that at times people go too far.
wahlau..i dont have a credit card..everything is by cash..i have it i use it..thats why i carry my stupid insurance card everywhere i go..touch wood..
Ooh! You must be loaded to pay everything by cash! But then it's a good practice. As long as you don't get mugged. (touch wood)..knowing how bad the crime rates are nowadays.
I work for a financial institution just like you. And outta da blue, my free credit card came to me as well. I called the whoever-that-needs-calling (see how credit card savvy I am?) to activate it for my international travel. Still, it didn't work. So, I've sworn off credit cards.
Credit cards are fun stuff, they always give me a very big surprise which will in turn made me feel bad for the remaining of the day. =_=
i reli should start keeping track of my spending =_=
dont use credit card...
I hate commitments..
dont mind for a relationship though, but for $$$, sorry no..
will tend to buy stuff that we're not capable of buying with cash, and in the end, end up owing money to the company that im working with, arghh
so stupid.
Cirnelle: I wish I could say the same of being sworn of credit card. Each time I made that promise to myself I break it. Hahahah!!
Alvin: Yea. I know that feeling.
Reon: So don't take the company credit card then. :)
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