I think after reading this headline, many out there are ready to kill me! How in the world should I put this so that I don’t offend anyone?
I’ve been thinking, yea there are good points as well as bad points in having the petrol stations closing at 10pm. One thing for sure, there would be less people using stolen cards to pump petrol cos lets face it, all these stolen credit cards somehow are used late in the night. Don’t ask me why but probably because they think it’s safer in the dark and not easily caught?
Another point why it might be good for the stations to close earlier is, we can actually tell our employers that it’s going to be real difficult to work late since petrol station close at 10pm. Then again, you might say, the employers can’t be that stupid, they’ll say it’s a lame excuse, just pump during the day if you know your petrol tank is almost empty. So this means that everyone will be scrambling to the nearest petrol station before work. Unless our employers allow us to go out for longer lunches just to pump petrol or either we start work late since petrol stations opening hours are from 7am-10pm. I mean there has to be a compromise here people. It can’t be a win-win situation for everyone. Someone will surely have to give in and I wonder who that will be?
What else can be a good reason for the change in hours? Maybe like what they say, less robbery at the petrol stations which means they’ll target other places now. Maybe the robbers will target mamaks or our houses?! Damn! Not that good is it? Does this mean that since the “petrol associaton” intend to close the petrol stations earlier the police will have more man-power to patrol housing areas? I’m not too sure whether they do regular patrols for petrol stations as I don’t own one.
Also, why do they want the customers to bear the 1% for using credit card? Aren’t they making enough $$ already from the increase in petrol price, what more with the items they sell in their petrol station cum convenient store? Oh, I forgot, every human being always has this greed in them, whatever we have will never be enough. Should we judge them? Should we be blaming them for wanting the consumers to bear that 1%? Is it because the banks have increased the merchant rental? Seriously I’m really at a loss here. It seems that the consumers are always losing out in this vicious cycle, where every business out there wants a piece of the cake.
What d’ya think people? Tell me! Tell me!
i have no comment abut this at all since i dont drive much nowadays hahaha.... good point on the boss part. and... damn right about petrol station already making heaps, wanna make us suffer the 1%... absurb!
Hit a nerve there, seaqueen. I don't think they are approaching the problem from the right angle. They should be tackling the issue of crime from its source... not that I'm an expert of source of crime, but I'm sure there's something else that drives crime other than the hour it is committed. What next? A curfew? Come to think of it, I won't mind a 6pm curfew. It'll lessen my office hours. Heh!
Zewt: Yea I don't drive either but on a happy note it's nice to think that the employers will let us off early. Dreaming..
Cirnelle: Yea. Wouldn't mind they lessen office hours. I'm game for it. :)
The whole intention for them to do this is to make the banks respond to their requests for lower charges (i.e. make the banks bear it).
Honestly, if they make me bear those charges, I will cancel my cards and pay by cash instead...:)
Anonymous: Yea. Support you all the way.
I guess this association have a problem with the people.. Acting without govt consent.. It's like digging their own grave.. Luckily govt came into this picture.. if not.. guess we're the one who suffers.. I wonder what the govt will do if they really close at 10pm.. Hm..
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