Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Well, Christmas is round the corner, though you don't see snow flakes gently falling down and sleigh bells ringing, you'll still hear the Christmas carols on the airwaves, in shopping malls.
This year has been a great year. There has been ups and downs but which life of ours will be perfect eh? So here's wishing all of you a wonderful Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year in 2008.
P.S. I'll be out of touch for quite a bit but will be back with more stories after the New Year. :)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My fiancée and I arrived at JPN with the rest of our family members at 8.10am and took a number to register for our marriage. When it was our turn to be served, we were asked to provide the Identification Card (IC) of our respective witnesses but upon checking, the officer questioned me about my witness which happens to be my father. He asked whether my father is around, and I pointed out my father to the officer. Never would I imagine them telling me this. They can actually tell me that in their system my father is deceased!!!! I mean how good can this get?? We’ve heard of plenty of other sorts of stories where people actually registered to vote but they are classified as deceased. We’re facing the same problem now!! The officer in charged, told us to go up to the next level to get the problem rectified. Thank you very much. No help there and I am not surprised. I would be more surprised if they offered to help get it changed. I think I would have fainted or strike a jackpot should they offer to help!
We went up to the 2rd level to see the officer at the counter and explained the problem. Another “excuse” was given. He told us that we need to proceed to the 3rd level and look for ANOTHER OFFICER. We had to wait for the officer in charge because the person is busy. Busy yakking and laughing on the phone is more like it. We waited for a whole 10 minutes before we decided; we might as well not lose anymore precious time and change to another witness.
We came back down and use my mum’s IC to be presented for witness instead. We were now served by a different officer. A lady officer this time. After keying in and changing the details, lo and behold, she now tells me that in the system, there is something wrong with MY NAME now!! Seriously, I have no idea how these people do their job!! First they make a mistake of putting the wrong information in my dad’s IC chip. Now it’s my name that is wrong??!! How come you did not tell me the last round you guys verified my IC when I submitted my form in June 20007 you brainless IDIOTS!!!!!
All in all, none of the officers bothered to say a single sorry or actually try to offer to rectify the problem; instead they asked us to settle the problem ourselves. Typical government officer standard attitude!!!! And yet to think that we’re going forward into the future, it’s more like we’re going backwards into the olden days. So what’s the point of spending billions and billions of Ringgit on all that architecture in Putrajaya when your people are still incompetent and still do their job so carelessly??!! Why not use the money to spend in training up the people and upgrading the system instead??!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Popping pills
So, after 2 weeks of playing hide and seek with the viruses and bugs, I've decided I need to take some sort of action to actually get rid of it once and for all. Time to get my ass to the clinic. As usual the norm for the doctor nowadays is to prescribe antibiotics. I've always tried to stay away or ignore the prescription for antibiotics, meaning I'll take the rest of the medication but not that but I think I'll have to be a good girl for once and pop the pill. Can't afford to get sick for the coming weeks ahead.
So, here's to popping pills and plenty of water. I'll be close friends with the toilet these couple of days. So, forgive me if I don't have anything new to update ya?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Life Experiences
Each day we wake up to a different new day. As we work methodically throughout the day, we always have a hope of getting somewhere or doing something that makes the day worthwhile. It can be life simple pleasures of having a home cooked meal to a sudden surprise of finding mysterious presents that we’ve been longing for. A day can also start with pleasant surprises or we find them as we go along. A little rain or cloudy weather might cheer someone up while sunshine and the feel of the warmth brings a smile to another person’s face. But when a normal routine day ends with a debacle and catches you with surprise, do you take it with stride and let it be another learning point in life or do you let it take over your life? These are questions that plague every individual at times. Part of you wishes to just take it in, learn from it and let go while the other part of you wants to just let it consume your life. At times little grievances like these can actually open your eyes and wake you from your slumber of peaceful and quiet life. You learn that anything is possible and nothing can shield you from the possibilities in life, whether good or bad.
Life continue to surprise us and we mature along the way.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
New pair of eyes
I’ve been vainer during my college days, trying out contact lenses then, but I just couldn’t stand the alien feeling of something in my eyes. Each time I blink I get irritated by the feeling that I had to practically sit on my hands from tearing my eyes out. It was that bad for me, the discomfort, and the red, dry eyes. All for the sake of being pretty or whatever that was during that time. But thank God as I matured, I decided, I’d rather take comfort above anything. No amount of persuasion from friends or when my fiancée got his years back did sway me from my decision, not until last night.
So basically, this morning, I took a longer time getting prepared for work. Normally it’s just the usual 1,2,3 step for facial after brushing my teeth, running a comb through my hair and I’m out. These days, I even got lazier or more of I’m not even bothered to put on any make up. Don’t ask me why but somehow I’m in no mood for making up. It’s a painstaking process and I’ve never had a knack for that. So, since it was a first time for contact, I decided to make the effort to put on slight bit of make up.
As I’m typing away this entry, I’m furiously blinking my eyes hoping to God that the uncle sitting opposite me doesn’t think that I’m coming on to him. It is still a tad bit uncomfortable but not as what it used to feel like. Probably technology has evolved and made the lenses more bearable, either that or I’m trying to convince myself that it really isn’t when it actually is. Oh, I just don’t know. It’s just 3 weeks away, so I’ll just grin and bear with it till it’s over.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Tired, grumpy, losing faith, you name it, I have it.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Of stress and small little luxuries
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A leader or a jester
I’ve seen many a leaders out there, whether be it a minister or a commoner that are much more worthy to be written about. Why do I loathe this guy?? For many reasons. I believe he has his good qualities, I believe that he has done many wonderful things for his own community but almost each and every year, he has some particular reason to increase the toll charges. I wonder how many times will he or whoever it is that cites the reason that they have yet to cover back the $$ spent on building the highways. That’s an old excuse. Come up with something much better will ya? Yes, I do see the highways get “upgraded”, have new layers of tar on them, swept clean of rubbish by the conscientious highway sweepers, the grass and the flowers along the highway, being kept in order. But, do these “purveyors” that supply the workers for all these arduous task hike up the price, hence we bear the brunt of it? If yes, do say so and we’ll understand. But for the past couple of years, there’s always a toll increase thanks to this particular gomen and I’m not that ecstatic about it. I’ve no idea whether it is his call for the increase of the toll but each time he opens his mouth, something comes up.
He also recently commented on the fact that he wants to ban those bigger bikes on the highway? What in the world?! Because of what? Tell me? What did they do to him, I’ve no freaking idea but sometimes it feels like his brain doesn’t really register what he’s trying to say and it all comes out wrong. And we have him for a minister as well. How great is that?
Sometimes I do understand why some of my blogger friends have the wish to leave this country. When I see people like these that we have to call our leaders, they make me want to leave the country too.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wake up before it's too late!
I’m guilty for all of the above from time to time. Today, we got shocking news that a sales officer at one of the branch passed away due to a heart attack and he was only 36 year old. But I guess, it can’t be that surprising since we’ve all seen the email circulated around where this employee that died at the desk without the colleagues knowing it. Also, I happened to receive an email on Great Philosophy of Life from a colleague, talking about how much we slave and toil, all that hard work just so that we can have a better future, or so that our future generation can have a better future. But we always forget to look at the present.
The future is always before our eyes. We forget to live for today, to enjoy what is before us, to experience the elation of friends and people we care about around us. We work so hard and in the end, we lose a lot of things along the way. We neglect our friends and you might wonder how. How many of you get a call from your friends sometimes, asking you out for a drink maybe during the weekday, but you turn them down, citing being too tired after work, or you had to work late? What about your family? How many of you as parents, manage to spend time with your children before they go to bed? You work till 9 or 10, and by the time you get home, your children will be in bed or just about to go to bed. What about your parents or your siblings? Let us take a simple daily life scenario. Do you have time to have proper dinner with them or do you tell them ok I’ll heat up the food once I get back. But when you do get back you heat up the food, maybe watch a little television without saying a word to them and then go to bed due to sheer exhaustion from work. Is this all worth it? Are you seriously happy with all that or you just take it in stride because it’s how the rest do it since generations before us because they drill this into you and me and they tell you that, without any hard work, you won’t get a good life.
All this, it’s like a wake up call for me, one after another. I do not think that it’s coincidences but it’s a message or a caution from God, wanting me to be aware before it’s too late.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
That time of the year
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A country's loss
Lim Goh Tong has been the legendary name that has brushed our lips countless of times. Any Malaysian, young or old would have spoken his name, let along knowing who he is. He can be well known among Malaysians with the name Uncle Lim. I believe we all know him that way. And he is definitely one true Malaysian that I truly respect, fully. Ok, it says in the paper he came from China so he’s not an actual Malaysian born fellow but putting that aside, he shows true colours of being a Malaysian. It was stated in the Star papers by his Deputy Chairman, that he conducted his board meetings in a smattering of Bahasa Malaysia even though he wasn’t educated in Malay. That’s a real respect for the people and the country. A salute to him.
It has been said he’s a philanthropist as well. I know many of you would say, what is the big deal being a philanthropist when he’s one of the listed billionaires in the Forbes richest category? Yes, it is no big deal that many famous people out there do charity as well. But I believe that coming from a poor family, it’s much easier for him to understand the poverty stricken life and from hand to mouth lives that people lead out there to make him want to give back what he has been blessed with. How many of you out there can actually say that if you were to win the lottery, will give it to charity first? I bet most would say I would pay my debts, buy my dream car and house first before thinking of actually donating to charity. I’m not saying that I know Uncle Lim that well but I somehow believe that he gives from his heart with the intention to.
He has countless of achievements to speak of and it wouldn’t do him justice for me to speak of it here as I would not know the full story but one thing I do know for sure is that he has been a tremendous influence to the country.
My deepest condolence to his family and relatives and to ourselves as well for his passing is a great loss to us whether we realise it or not.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Guess this
Friday, October 19, 2007
Money vs Sympathy
Each morning I open up the papers I’ll see people of Malaysia asking, seeking for medical help, in terms of a lung, or a heart transplant or even $ for operation. Why can’t these money be used to be donated to them rather than spending RM50 million on one institute? I thought we are supposed to be a caring society? Or is that just a saying to make ourselves feel better. I’m happy to see during the tsunami a few years back, most Malaysians actually worked together to help these poor souls whether in Malaysia or even in Indonesia or India that side. So why do we have to wait till a disaster strike only then we show our caring side? Why can’t we do it before anything bad happens?
It’s something to think about. A sad little Friday to see news like these where money is just squandered away and a few pages away you see people asking for help because of sickness.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I wonder where did the origins of the term lazy bones came from? Anyone knows about this? But this is definitely the feeling for each human being after a long weekend, especially when many have gone back home for the holidays or outstation. This Raya is the first I had spent staying in KL. No joining the mad rush of the raya jam to go anywhere for a holiday. It's a first and I've enjoyed most of the time lazing away, going for leisurely walks, doing the house chores at my own pace, rather than rushing through it over the weekend. Somehow the urgency did not materialise at all. Of course I took the chance to check out the new comers in town. Which new comers you say? Read on and you'll know what I'm talking about.
I guess most of you guys have somehow visited the spanking new Pavillion or The Gardens that was recently opened in September. I again, decided not to join the mad rush to see what was all the fuss about for these 2 until the Raya weekend. I assumed that most KL folks would have either gone home for the holiday or gone for a little hiatus somewhere so I decided to go take a look at both places.
Golly! The Gardens's really impressive. All branded outlets, lining the mall, squeaky, shiny floors, the smell of fresh paint and glue. It's an eye-opener. For one, the number of new boutiques are staggering. Some I've not heard of (probably cos I don't get to see other parts of the world where these brands reside), but one sad thing was most of the shops were closed since I went on Saturday which was the first day of Raya. This basically means that I get to have another excuse to check out this place again with my fiancee again one of these days. One thing I find odd was the toilet. There were signs of the toilet but all it did was to point you to a series of lifts. At first I thought that I had mis-read the signs wrongly so I went up another floor but it was the same thing. Then managed to tracked down a security guard who explained to us that the toilet's entrance IS actually nearby the lifts just that it's still under construction therefore the only way in was via the side door. No plus points there. Robinsons's housed here at The Gardens and it's real classy, black glass acting as a mirror, so many brands to choose from inside Robinsons alone, not counting the boutiques outside, and their home section, Wow is all I can say. Countless to choose from. Overall, shopping at the Gardens actually made me feel that I was shopping in S'pore instead. The vibe, the crowd, the boutiques all made it feel that way. One word for it all, Impressive!
Pavillion. This one needs a little guidance in terms of getting to the right floor from the car park. We had to try at least 3 buttons before we actually arrived at the exact floor where there were shops. The past few opened up to more car parks but there wasn't any indication for that as well. So no extra points for that. But when I arrived, one thing I noticed was the air-conditioning. One word. COLD! Many of the shops were branded but at least at different levels they sort of had different type of stores to cater for different income range community. The food court there was pretty impressive. Again it reminded me of the Takashimaya food court concept where all the food was located at the lowest GF and there were so many to choose from. This I gotta give them credit. At least we just had to walk one floor and see it all rather than having some restaurants together with other shops as well. Imagine you're hungry enough to eat a horse while walking you suddenly de-toured to another shop just because your friend saw something captivating in that shop. No such chance here at the Pavillion. At least your ultimate aim to find food won't be thwarted by something other than food. This place needs getting used to, as there's many levels for one, as well as different parts to each floor. So if you're in for a shopping spree cum hide n seek with your partner this is a good place to go to.
These 2 places are a rare gem for the KLites for now. So, happy shopping and happy exploring.
** No pix uploaded. Dun ask me why. Ask blogspot on this. Sigh.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Of movies and puking
Overall the movie had a pretty good story line. Simple enough to understand for a person who’s never watched the previous 2 sequels before this, let alone being so tired that I can simply doze off anytime. This shows that it has a pretty good rating in terms of how the whole things goes but when it comes to how the movie was shot, my goodness, it’s a total catastrophe. Not a single time was there for the camera to have a still shot, meaning that even when there wasn’t scenes of fleeing the scene from the villains or nerve-racking driving scenes, the person who was shooting the movie still had a possibility of shaking the camera. Haven’t they heard of a tripod at least?? I mean there were good cars in the scene, from a Toureg to a Golf both from Volkswagen so at least have some sense to shoot the movie properly.
By the time I came out of the movie, I felt worse than a sick pregnant lady (not that I’ve felt those symptoms before) but I’ve never felt like puking for 2 hours straight. So half of the time I was watching the movie through slits of my eyes cos I can’t stand to watch the shaking even though the actions were superb. Sigh. To go through the sheer torture of watching a good movie made into a debacle of a movie just because it was free was not worth the pain and effort.
Would you have gone through all that??
Monday, October 8, 2007
What a weekend
Sundays is about time to rest, to spend time with your loved ones and friends as well. Talk about being up to par with the youngsters who partied their night away on a Saturday nite, gone were those days for me. But I have to take it in stride, waking up in the wee hours of the morning to get ready for a rally. Ok, I’ll admit not wee hours but still, waking up at 7am on a Sunday is torturous.
I’ve had less sleep in my college days, I can still function without sleep for 2 or 3 days in a row, but the caffeine level in my body would be above the limit if there is one for it. I would land myself in jail far more times than I know it. But, ever since I’ve join the modern slavery forces, my fitness level as well as my functioning body and brain has deteriorated tremendously. The question as to why this happens still eludes me. Is it because of the job scope that’s weighing me down or I just don’t get the motivation from it. I won’t say that I’m a fan of exams or assignments at college to have the motivation but it just seems different from the hey days of college. Even with the arduous task of last minute assignments to do, or last minute cramming for exams did not land me in fatigue as I now am constantly in. Probably age has been catching up as well.
So, there goes my weekend. Given to the organisation. Hopefully the bonus will be equally “demanding” as they have been on us.
Another long week ahead. Happy working everyone.
P.S No pix today cos there's some problem with blogger today I think.
Friday, October 5, 2007
What a life
Monday, October 1, 2007
Monday Blues
It’s a cold Monday morning and the feeling of Monday blues is not I would wish for anyone to feel. It’s sheer torture.
Firstly, dragging yourself up on a rainy Monday morning is such and arduous task altogether, adding to that the slow motion of getting prepared for work and getting caught in a jam does not bring tears to my eyes but a sense of gloom on a Monday morning. Thank God I did not turn up late for work.
Even my email seems to be slow in starting up this morning. Another sign of Monday Blues perhaps?? I slaved over the weekend to precipitate the project paper I was supposed to submit for some branch improvement thingy but as usual, Monday will be full or surprises. The other project manager did not show up so no getting on with the rest of the project. If I would have known I would have chosen to enjoy my weekend and not end up looking and feeling like an old, grumpy and haggard witch. Damn! Could have finished it up this morning instead.
So now at 11.30 in the AM, I’m writing the draft for this entry instead. Talk about ironic. Sigh.
I hate Mondays; Monday Blues!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Paying peanuts to get monkey manners on board Air Asia
I wonder whether is this a norm for them, to not smile?
Not saying sorry but instead being cocky. This is Air Asia style!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Bus companies made liable
Think about it for a moment, customers pay a certain amount of $$ for a bus ride, they of course expect get proper comfort and of course to arrive at the destination in one piece, not one arm flung into the ravine while one leg on the highway. (Sorry, if it's too descriptive). So is it so difficult to ask for the bus firms to bear a little responsibility for the welfare of their passengers? I mean how much is RM5,000 of damages for death or injuries compared to a whole bus load of "you know what"?? I'm thinking that RM5,000 is considered pretty measly amount, taking into the fact that, 1 individual can be insured up to more than 1 million. Alright, I mean that's a personal thing, but RM5,000?? Can you actually put an amount on a life of a person??
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Monkey Business
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Drafting of letters
You guys must be wondering, what the heck is this lady doing, writing a complaint letter for this blog. Nope I'm not complaining about any service in particular but just happened to have a friend that asked me to draft a complaint letter. Let's call this friend of mine, Shawn. I was kinda stumped on what to blog about today, then as I was chatting with Shawn on messenger, he asked me to do him a favour, to draft a complaint letter for this service he's paying for monthly. This letter's just a draft for him as I still haven't gotten the clear picture on what the whole billing's supposed to be like and I've been asked to exercise some discretion on this matter as some big organisation is involved. Therefore, I can't comment more on this .
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tick tock, tick tock
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Radio Shows
Monday, September 3, 2007
First day disaster
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Celebration, Food and Laughter
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thank you
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Damn Streamyx
Damn Streamyx. The connection was so slow yesterday; I can’t even login to blogspot, let alone update a new entry yesterday. I wonder whether I can upload this tonight since I usually type out my blog somewhere before I actually post it up. I’m hoping that the new broadband connection that’s “supposed” to be coming in to Malaysian waters will be much better than Streamyx. I’m talking about WiMAX.
If I remembered correctly, there were 4 major companies who gotten the bid and they are Asiaspace Dotcom, Redtone-CNX Broadband, Bizsurf (a unit of YTL Corp) and Packet One Networks, but (I’m gloating here) that TM didn’t get it. I mean, come on, give others the chance. Just because you dominate the entire country in telecommunications doesn’t mean you’re the best. Proven already many times, one of it was yesterday. I will give them leeway, as in there will always be a chance where the connection might go haywire once in a while, but the frequency of it happening at least once a month or even more is starting to irritate me. That shows that something is seriously wrong there. So I’m still waiting here. Starting to have cobwebs growing out of my hair. But still no sign of WiMAX yet.
Let’s speculate a little, one reason WiMAX is taking so long to get started is probably because after the deal has been signed, there still needs to be the construction of the IT platform, location picking bla bla bla. I’ve no idea in these matters. Or another reason could be because certain “authorities” decides that, no way we’re letting all these big-ass companies take over the broadband industry. What’s going to happen to our “baby Streamyx” if they’re better than us? Then, start improving your service, dim-witted people!! You’ve gotten so much $$, you can build a whole kingdom of infrastructure! Think about that for a second! It’s all possible, if only you would spend the time and $$ in R&D, rather than idling away!!!
Sigh. I better not go on. You know how it’s like. We are free to actually voice out our opinions but only opinions that are soothing to “their” ears, if you know what I mean. I won’t elaborate further.
I'm not surprised
Another thing that surprises me though is when these ME women are all dressed to cover up; their children are totally the opposite. They’re dressed in skimpy outfits, spaghetti strap tops, or clothes that are too short that they show their belly buttons. What’s with that? I mean, is that how you do it? Just because they can’t wear these outfits, they dress their kids in all these clothes. I mean no disrespect. I’m just curious as to why they do so that’s all. All these cultures really fascinate me but at the same time I find them really weird. I can’t seem to understand the concept. A little help here maybe from anyone who understand??
Still it feels a little weird to be surrounded in all black hooded women. Scares the shit out of me, especially when you’re walking at night and then some hooded figure suddenly stands beside you, I mean waiting for the traffic light to cross the road. What were you thinking??
Monday, August 20, 2007
Being a responsible parent
Well, she brought back the notebook back to her hometown last weekend, and being the kind-hearted soul she was, she consented to allow her cousin’s son to play some games inside her notebook. But being a child with another younger sister, you know how kids play rough. They fought over playing the notebook and somehow they managed to cause a hairline crack on the screen. I know, you’ll be swearing up and down. When Samantha called me, I thought that it was a small crack. That night, she brought over the notebook and my GOD!! It was not hairline crack. There are 2 bloody big cracks all the way from bottom to the top. And here’s the ultimate, she said the kid’s mother, Catherine won’t be paying for the repairs. She blames Samantha for the crack, saying that she shouldn’t have let her kids play with the notebook in the first place. Yes I know, it may sound quite true to a certain extent, Samantha shouldn’t have let the kids play with the notebook, but come on, I mean, let’s say, you go out to the shopping complex, your kid accidentally break something, doesn’t it state clearly that, “Once broken, considered sold” which basically means you need to pay for it. Or another scenario, let’s say you borrow your friend’s car to drive and you got into an accident, shouldn’t you pay for it?
I don’t know. I’m really pissed off at the same time wondering whether I should demand a payment for the repairs. I’ve checked with Acer as well as the computer shop and they already said there’s no way that a warranty claim can be done for a crack notebook screen, even though we’ve just only bought it for a month. But Catherine is adamant to claim for warranty. Her reasoning being that we are supposed to tell Acer that the notebook is faulty, poor quality. By the time she said that, I really felt like banging her head to the wall. I mean how stupid can you get man! At least for an educated person, think of a more valid reason. Poor quality. Good Lord! Of course being a hot tempered person I am, the argument got really heated so I said irregardless of what happens she has to find a way to fix it. I don’t care whether you cheat someone of a new computer, steal or even go to the extent of bribing the relevant parties, I want it fixed. There’s still no conclusion at the moment.
To be continued….